Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Michigan Sunsets

First, the sky turns pink and blue
Then, the descent begins
Smearing the horizon with an orange hue
Turning an awkward broccoli shaped cumulus
Into a magical glow cloud!

Making his way through a bunch of
Confused and scrambled cirruses 
The Sun leaves for India
Leaving us, with this sky to deal with

Maybe it is because the land is so flat
And there is nothing distracting about the fields of corn
No mountain to compete with the horizon,
That gets an endless mirror of a lake!
Or maybe, there is just more sky over Michigan

For the sunsets seem to have more color, more canvas
More soul and more melancholy
Whether it is a line of  geese, against the blushing sky
Or an intrepid bald eagle returning home
It is really difficult, to just get used to the sunsets here. 

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